Hanging lights

In the evening when it's dark, conjure up a wonderful ambience and use your entire garden area as an extended living room with these suitable solar-powered hanging lights. You will not only transform paths and areas for sitting but also orchards and front gardens into something fabulous.
Solar-powered hanging lights enable you to create great lighting effects under the porch, above the dining table on the terrace, or under the roof of the carport even if there are no power supply lines or sockets. You can simply hang the lamp on a tree, on a patio roof, or on a carport; you can also hang it on a metal bar with hooks.
Solar-powered hanging lights create their unique and romantic mood. They allow you to enjoy relaxing hours with guests, barbecuing or celebrating. Some solar lights look like real candles and produce a warm and meditative flickering light that even a strong draught cannot blow out. Some lights come with colourful lights and create a special garden party atmosphere. You can hang many of the lamps not only on trees, on fences, or under roofs but also just as easily on stake-mounted hooks, which you can stick almost anywhere into the ground. If the hanging light has a flat bottom, you can also place it on a flat surface.

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